TASKLED - Smart LED drivers

Version 4.0 Hyperboost driver board

High Voltage current regulated LED
Boost driver

3200mA maximum output

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hyperboost Driver:

The following picture is of the V3.0 Hyperboost driver (shipped 20 July 2015 - Jan 2017 ). Same basic specifications as the V4.0 except required SHDN pin to be actively connect to a higher voltage (e.g. IN+) to turn the driver on.

The following picture is of the V2.0 Hyperboost driver (shipped until 20 July 2015). Same basic specifications as the V3.0 except slower PWM response, lack of Shutdown pin and no mounting bite-marks.

The following picture is of the original V1.1 Hyperboost driver. Same basic specifications as the V2.0 except for 1.4" diameter (and lower current output).

The following picture is of the original V1.0 Hyperboost driver. Same exact specifications as the V1.1 except for the PWM input (see technical section).

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